Monday, February 9, 2009

Add Mad-ness.

Add-maths is FUN!!

That is, when you actually understand what you're doing.

So, when you keep doing add-maths non-stop,
the info is bound to seep in right?

That's exactly what I did today.

Cause there's a test coming up on wednesday,
and I had to keep up my smart-in-maths rep right?
It might probably be the only thing I'm good at.

And I can finally remember,
(if i write it down in words);

x equals to negative b plus minus square root of b square minus 4ac over 2a.

that wasn't that hard.

I recorded Pn. Liew saying that and set it as my ringtone.
Hahahah !!

She's probably the fastest formula-reciter, if there is such thing. Lol !

& I finally started on Bio !!

I keep telling myself I needa read Bio since the first day of school.
But, well .. you know the rest.

So yeah, I finally know what's the ribosomes for; a site for protein synthesis.

Hahaha !! I can feel it !!
The smartness overflowing !!

I sound like some evil villian.

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