Saturday, May 2, 2009

Something To Blog About.

I was studying history today,
and suddenly this phrase came to my mind.

Ke arah kecemerlangan dan sifar kegagalan.
That was SKTM's Visi.
My primary school used to have a visi and misi thingy.
A sudden flashback.

Its amazing when you realise, how far of a journey we've walked.
And as we look back now, the road behind is filled with nothing but memories.
That is why, we keep our heads held high,
creating new memories ahead.

Talking about memories,
let the pictures tell you about the memories I have (;

My class's students' position.
Who drew this ?

And check out this teacher camouflaging with the field.
Or isit just colour coordination?
Pop Quiz : Who is the woman in yellow ?

The beginning of our rockstar career (:
Soo, whatd'ya think?

And my other career, photography (:
Every picture I have captures us now.
But what about us then?
What about my past?
The people who made me realise what real friends are for.
People say pictures last longer than memories.
I say, memories last as long,
if you choose to remember them.
And I chose to remember every single bit of it.
Because you guys were the one,
that lit up my empty road.
And I thank you for that.

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