Sunday, April 17, 2011

JPA Interview

This post is specially to those next year, who'll be going for the JPA scholarship interview :)

Soo, just last Thursday I had my JPA interview. Durrh, goosebumps all the way till that day came.

Here's a few pointers on how to prepare for the day,
1. If you're a debater then thumbs up for you (Y). If you're not, then start practicing. Strategize your points and make sure you speak facts!
2. Read the newspaper! Thats what everyone say. But if you're like me (hates the newspaper), then ask your dad to tell you whats going on in the society and economy.
3. Make sure you file is organized! What I did was, I had a title page for every section. Its way neater :)
4. Get your high school to certify every important document ie. IC, birthcert etc.

So, on that day itself. You'll have to arrive 30minutes earlier. Just be kiasu and go early! :)
Then you'll have to sign TWICE! First on a common board where they list your name and your interview room, which you'll see everyone gathering around. Next, you'll have to sign another time when you go to the waiting room.

Later, they'll take your clear folder with all your documents, and direct you to your interview room. Then, the interview starts.

Of course they'll first ask you to introduce yourself. They will ask you in BM, so its best if you prepare an introductory of yourself in BM. Then they'll probably ask you why you chose your course and the place of destination. Then they'll ask one open-ended question in BM, which you MUST answer in BM.

So, a few famous questions are:
1. Campaigns (why isn't it working?)
2. Health Centres (what do you think of it? is it good enough?)
3. Sports (what do you think about Malaysian sports? should we call for help from the overseas coach?)
4. Is the crime rate increasing or decreasing?
5. What can you bring back when you go overseas?
6. Reality tv. (are they bringing more good or bad to the society?)
7. *current issue. Japan earthquake (what can you learn from it?)

Do rmb, when they ask you in English, you may answer in English. But if they ask you in BM, do try your best to reply in BM.
Girls should wear Baju Kurung (preferably), and formal wear with tie for boys.

If they challenge you when you answer (like disagree with your point), then just stand firm and give logical reasons for your answers. They're not challenging you because you're wrong. There is no right or wrong answer. They just want to see how you handle situations like that, and to see if you can really think on the spot.

Also, always keep good eye contact. Firm but not aggressive.

All the best for your interview :)
Overall, its actually a very good experience. Just stay loose and it'll be fun :)

Prepare well guys!

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